NYRR Mini 10K

The Mini was the first all women’s race I have ever ran! I was excited. I wanted to PR (10k PR is from the RnR New York – 50:17).

Lets list all of the reasons why this was basically unattainable:

  • I have run about 9.2 miles/week since the NJ Marathon on 5/6.
  • I haven’t done speedwork since a week before the marathon
  • I have been drinking an excessive amount of Pinot Grigio on my couch (more than the usual amount)
  • My legs are abnormally sore all the time from Kara’s Core Challenge

BUT I decided to give it a go. I enlisted my super speedy friend Laura (who qualified for the NYC Marathon based on her BK Half time, jeez I’m jealous) to pace me at 7:45 min/miles, which would get me in around 48 and change.

Things were all good in the hood for 3 miles – 8:00, 7:41, 7:43

Then I started feeling like crap. It was humid and I felt like I was sopping through mud mile of the Tough Mudder. I felt like someone was twisting and turning my stomach like a friendship bracelet. I told Laura to run free with the wind and I started getting down on myself (because who doesn’t love a little mid-race self-battering). I said to myself over and again for the entire 4th and 5th miles – “Who are you to think you can PR when you are so out of shape, and slow and haven’t run.” Not exactly the most inspiring mantra.

Miles 4-5 – 8:37, 8:24

At Mile 5, I passed the men of the Dashing Whippets, a NY-based running club. They were cheering their hearts to for the women of the club (actually everyone) running the race. I checked my Garmin for the first time in a bit and saw I could possibly bring it in under 50 if I seriously put some pep in my step. So I did just that. Until I got cramps again. My heart/legs were in a complete battle with my stomach for the last mile. I would sprint then slow down and sprint and slow down. I gave it my all to the finish line and almost threw up. But hey, it’s not a race if you don’t leave it all out there.

Mile 6 – 7:55, 0.26 – 7:22

Official NYRR Stats:

So, 50:12. 5 second PR.


  • I would have trained for the race before trying to PR
  • I would have tried to run even 8 minute splits
  • I wouldn’t have eaten whatever I ate that morning

ALTOGETHER – amazing race. I have a new PR that I am happy about! At first I was down on myself about a couple of slower miles and was upset I didn’t run 13 seconds faster to put me under 50 minutes, but I shut out the negative thoughts. I will have my day! The race was organized very well and I loved the girl power and the speedy ladies kicking ass. I was excited to finally meet some blogger buds (Lora and Dori, they are awesome). Now I can tell my boyfriend I am not just creepily talking to people online all the time. I was able to see the winners of the race…


I was able to see a STAGE FULL of women who have run the race for 20+ years in a row. It was emotional an inspiring. One woman even had a bib from when the race was sponsored by Leggs!

GIRL POWER. Peace sign.

I saw Stephanie Rothstein (girl running crush) who finished top American and 6th overall (I’m seriously rooting for you in the track trials!!!) and Desiree Davila, who is running the women’s marathon for TEAM USA in the Olympics in London as well.

Hello running idols.

I didn’t screen shot that picture, I was on the stage with them because I am just as fast. I swear.

So what did I think was the best part of the race? Oh, I’m so happy you asked. It was the popsicles. Nothing can top those friggin popsicles. Kudos NYRR. Kudos.

Who raced this weekend? Who ran the Mini? How did it go? 

Who is your running crush?! (Is it weird that I have one, I don’t think so).

9 thoughts on “NYRR Mini 10K

  1. Melissa

    A PR is a PR! 12 seconds away? You’ve got this IN THE BAG next time girl. Once you start running those god awful intervals again I’m sure you’ll come in wayy under 50 🙂 Don’t underestimate your speediness

  2. Laura

    Wow, congrats on the PR!! I’m with Melissa – as soon as you get intervals in, think of how even more amazing you’ll be 😉

  3. Jessica

    Wow! Nice pick up at the end! Love your shots from the ceremony…I didn’t stick around long enough. Pretty amazing to be in the presence of such inspiring women!


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